Courses are approved by the Faith Formation Office of the Diocese of Little Rock for your advancement in knowledge and practice of the Catholic faith.  This list contains all the courses available.  Courses are organized in three groups.  “Come and See” contains courses to help you encounter Jesus.  “Follow Me” contains courses to help you become a better disciple of Jesus.  “Go and Make Disciples” contains courses to help you learn to use your gifts to attract and accompany others on the path to discipleship.
“Come and See” Courses

God Has a Plan For You

How can we find meaning and purpose in life?

“Follow Me” Courses

Church History

A century-by-century overview of the history of the Catholic Church, from Creation all the way to current times. Don Kremer walks us through the events and personalities, both the good and the bad, that brought about the Church that we know today. (Length: 6 hours.)

Exploring the Gospel of Mark

Exploring the Gospel of Mark

A series of talks given in June 2023 by Dr. Gabriel Ferrer. Each talk focuses on one of the major themes of the Gospel of Mark: Who is Jesus? What is the Kingdom of God? What am I called to do as a disciple of Jesus? (Length 5.5 hours.)


Keys to Prayer

In this short course, the Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery in Fort Smith, Arkansas, share insights into prayer in which Jesus' thirst for a relationship with us is quenched and our desire for union with God is fulfilled. (Length 1 hour.)

Life and Human Dignity

Life and Human Dignity: A Consistent Ethic of Life

In this 4-part series, form a consistent ethic of life through respect for human life in all of life's circumstances, from conception to natural death. Presented by Catherine Phillips, director of the Respect Life Office of the Diocese of Little Rock. (Length 1.5 hours.)

Dead Sea Scrolls with Dr. John Bergsma

The Dead Sea Scrolls by Dr. John Bergsma

Dr. John Bergsma of Franciscan University of Steubenville speaking at the Priests' Continuing Education for the Diocese of Little Rock. Recorded at St. John's Center in Little Rock in October 2022. (Length 8 hours.)


The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church

Study the importance of the Eucharist in the life of the Catholic Church. This is a recording of a live class at the Diocese of Little Rock, conducted at the beginning of the US Eucharistic Revival. (Length 8 hours.)

“Go and Make Disciples” Courses
2024-2025 Certificate

2024-2025 Catechist Certificate

Request and renew your certificate here.

2024-2025 Certificado

2024-2025 Certificado de Catequista

Solicita y renueva tu certificado aquí.

2025-2026 Certificate

2025-2026 Catechist Certificate

Request and renew your certificate here.

2025-2026 Certificado

2025-2026 Certificado de Catequista

Solicita y renueva tu certificado aquí.


Apostolic Zeal

Listen and learn how to share the good news of Jesus with others. Pope Francis wrote 30 lessons on Apostolic Zeal—the passion for sharing the good news of Jesus. Listen to these lessons and discuss them with your small group. Learn how to share the hope of Jesus with your friends and family. (Length 10 hours.)


Catechist Certification

This basic Catechist Certification is for those who teach the Catholic faith in the Diocese of Little Rock. It is for those who teach children and those who teach adults. It is for catechists in Catholic Schools and in parishes. (Length 16 hours.)


Celo Apostólico

Escuche y aprenda a compartir las buenas nuevas de Jesús con los demás.
El Papa Francisco escribió 30 lecciones sobre el celo apostólico: la pasión por compartir las buenas nuevas de Jesús. Escuche estas lecciones y discútalas con su grupo pequeño. Aprenda cómo compartir la esperanza de Jesús con sus amigos y familiares. (Duración 10 horas.)


Certificación de Catequista

Esta Certificación de Catequista básica es para aquellos que enseñan la fe católica en la Diócesis de Little Rock. Es para aquellos que enseñan tanto a los niños como a los adultos. Es para catequistas en las escuelas católicas y en las parroquias. (Duración 16 horas.)


RCIA 101 – RCIA Leaders and Team Training

Training for leaders of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This live webinar for the Diocese of Little Rock was recorded in August 2020. (Length 5 hours.)