What is Catechist Certification?
- Catechist Certification is a course to encourage and inspire you to share your faith with others.
- Receive basic catechist formation designed for those who teach the Catholic faith in the Diocese of Little Rock.
- Learn what it means to be a catechist.
- Learn the sources from which we learn and teach the Catholic faith.
- Learn methods for effectively sharing the Catholic faith.
- Discuss your insights and experience with others.
- Earn your official Certified Catechist certificate from the Diocese of Little Rock.
First complete the course, then request your official certificate.

Catechist Certification
This basic Catechist Certification is for those who teach the Catholic faith in the Diocese of Little Rock. It is for those who teach children and those who teach adults. It is for catechists in Catholic Schools and in parishes. (Length 16 hours.)
The Catechist Certification Process
Catechist Certification is for those who teach the Catholic faith to children and adults, in schools and parishes.
To receive the Catechist Certification, register on Learn.DOLR.org, and complete with a study group the Catechist Certification course. The lessons can be completed in any sequence. Self-study does not count toward certification.
When you complete the course, your Certification is valid for the current and following academic year. (The academic year begins August 1 and ends July 31.)
How long does it take?
Overall, it will take you 12 to 15 hours to complete all the lessons. The Catechist Certification course contains 20 video lessons, each video is 20-30 minutes. Plus, you and your study group will take time to discuss the questions in each lesson. You can do the lessons at your own pace. The good news is, once you have completed the Catechist Certification course, you do not need to take it again to renew your Certificate.
How to Join a Study Group
Interaction is essential to catechist formation. Therefore, every lesson must be discussed with a study group. You do not have to discuss all the lessons with the same study group.
There are two different types of study groups: Permanent and Ad hoc.
A Permanent study group is one that stays together for an extended time and takes multiple courses together. For example, a school principal could form a study group of teachers; a parish Director of Faith Formation could form a study group of parish catechists; and a priest could form a study group of parish staff.
An ad hoc study group is one that organizes for a short time to take courses together. For example, a teacher could get together with other teachers to take a course at a time that is convenient for them.
Group Leaders
To form a new study group, fill out the form at this link to request that your group be set up in Learn.DOLR.org. Once we set up your group, you can log in to join the group and take the course.
Every group must have a leader. A group can meet in-person, remote via technology, or hybrid.
Renew Your Catechist Certification Every Year
To renew your Catechist Certification for the next year, complete any one continuing education opportunity that advances your Catholic faith with a study group prior to July 31. The renewal extends the Catechist Certification for the upcoming academic year. Self-study does not count toward certification. You do not need to take the full Catechist Certification course again to renew your Certificate.